Proof Reading

  • Do not make obvious mistakes in your dissertation just before presenting it to a panel of senior academic members who likely guided you on its contents.

  • This is not the time for making errors. Even careless typos inside a phrase may have a negative impact on your credibility and the effectiveness of your message.

  • Editing, rewriting, and proofreading are essential steps in producing a polished piece of writing. There is a wide range of benefits to be gained from having your work checked by actual technical and language experts.

  • Line-by-line reading is the best way to find and fix errors in mechanics, punctuation, grammar, diction, use, and syntax. It is always a good idea to have a second set of eyes look over your work, but especially while you are doing the last edits and polishing on your dissertation.

  • Before you hand in your work, our trained language editor will verify that all of your research efforts have been properly proofread and verified for mistakes to ensure that they are error-free.

Referencing and Formatting

  • Due to the fact that journals adhere to their own stringent format, the formatting and editing processes are obligatory steps in the submission process for your publication.

  • PhDAID is your one-stop shop for comprehensive journal formatting and reference services. PhDAID is responsible for completing the journal formatting and editing in accordance with the requirements of the journal.

  • Our specialists examine each part of the article, including the title, the authors and their affiliations, the abstract, the introduction, the methods, the findings, the comments, the acknowledgments, and the referenced literature.

  • Before you hand in your work, our trained language editor will verify that all of your research efforts have been properly proofread and verified for mistakes to ensure that they are error-free.

  • In particular, they format each and every item with extreme care to guarantee that the document contains no errors at all.

  • We have extensive expertise working with a wide variety of journal formats. Our knowledgeable staff members manage a variety of publications, some of which are Springer, IEEE, Elsevier and T&F.

  • In addition to this, they are proficient in the use of several citation styles, including Harvard, APA, MLA, Vancouver, and Chicago.