How to write a Literature Review

A Literature Review is very important to conduct a research. Read more to lean how to write this effectively


2/18/20232 min read

A literature review is a study of various research papers that summarizes your findings and conclusions based on your study of the existing body of work. It is a form of the scientific method that serves to introduce new research in any given field of study. It should be written in an objective manner and can be used to support or defend your thesis.

It provides an overview of the research and sources you have identified and explores the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of your methodology.

The purpose of a literature review is to provide information about a topic for which you are writing or create a summary of what has been learned about that topic in the past. As such, it may be beneficial to include both primary sources (such as articles, books or reports) and secondary sources (such as journal articles) when writing a literature review.

In addition to summaries of research, literature reviews can also identify gaps in existing knowledge about a topic, which can help guide future research efforts.

When you are writing a paper or an article, you may need to include the literature review. The first step in writing a literature review is to read through all of the articles that you intend to cite and select the ones that are most relevant to your topic. Then, you will need to read through each article carefully and mark significant parts of their content that relate directly to your own topic. You should also note any references that were not cited in your chosen articles.

After reading through all of the articles, you will need to summarize each one in order to make them easier for others to understand. This is where you will want to use some of your own knowledge of the subject matter so that it can be easily understood by readers who do not have as much experience with it as you do. Finally, write down any conclusions or recommendations made by each author so that they can be included in your paper at a later date when writing an abstract or introduction section

A literature review is a critical component of any research project. It’s one of the most important steps in the process, because it helps you to determine whether the hypothesis will hold up to scrutiny.

  • A good literature review should answer these questions:

  • What are the key problems and issues related to your area?

  • How has research been conducted on these issues?

  • What new data has been published on these topics recently?

  • What are some unanswered questions in your field?

The first step in writing an effective literature review is finding relevant sources. You should use all available sources, but it is especially important that you search for studies done by experts on your topic. This will give you more credibility than if you simply cite articles written by people who haven't studied your field extensively.

Once you have found appropriate sources, there are two methods for organizing them: chronological or thematic. Chronological organization makes it easier to see how topics relate because they are presented in order, one after another. However, thematic organization puts all topics together under one heading so they can be compared side-by-side instead of grouped together by date or subject matter

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